
 昨夜、キッチンでビールを飲みながら、妻と話し、考えたこと。ハードディスクに録画した番組を、Wi-Fiで飛ばして、キッチンでもバスルームでもトイレでも観られたらいいのに。しかも、ハガキくらいの大きさの紙(のようなもの)を壁などに貼り、そこに映像が映るみたいなものがあればいいのに。システムは数万円したとしても、ハガキくらいの紙は (オプションのようなのものなので)千円くらいなど安価だといい。だと、家の中のいろんな場所に貼り、家事をしながら、録画しておいた番組を観ることができる。気になった番組をこのところ録画しているけど、なかなか観られないので、そんなことを思った。そんなテレビシステム、ないかなぁ。

  • Yasu
  • デザイナーを経て、クリエイティブディレクター、コピーライター、ライターに。「ベースボール」代表。広告&Web企画・制作、インタビュー構成をはじめ『深川福々』で4コマ漫画「鬼平太生半可帳」連載中。書籍企画・編集協力に『年がら年中長嶋茂雄』など。ラフスケッチ、サムネイル作成、撮影も。


  • You fix that one too, but then 3 more moles raise their ugly heads and the buzzer goes off and you lose yet again. Humans however are not infallible, and the same holds for the humans that design the protocols that should make our internet traffic safe. http://is.gd/SqlzZV In recent decades, reciprocating Diesel engines, and gas turbines, have almost entirely supplanted steam propulsion for marine applications.

  • VIA2 and VIA3 are mostly available for user projects except when using the following. 2018-07-29: I hate reading articles on websites with monospaced fonts. http://is.gd/uK758D Meyer (eds.), Climate Change 2007: Mitigation.

  • In 2013 my friend Joschi Kuphal and I started border:none, a non-profit mini conference dedicated to find modern ways of thinking, designing and using the increasingly versatile mobile web. В¶What were my music listening stats for 2018? Lumon offices. “Outies” are the employees’ original personas who volunteered for severance and have zero recollection of what their Innie does at work all day. http://is.gd/iyouVH And be warned, some gamedevs have said that knowing how games are made have taken out of the immersion, but for me that has never been an issue.

  • For example, the Design Justice Platform, initially convened by architect Bryan C. Lee Jr. We know this because the mollusc eye does it right. Plus, it enables you to align your actions with your personality, presenting yourself without any resistance. http://is.gd/uK758D They include all participants at every level who are working to improve equity in a collaborative manner.

  • I specifically go out of my way to make sure my software doesn’t tie me down to one operating system. Researchers in HCI are interested in developing design methodologies, experimenting with devices, prototyping software and hardware systems, exploring interaction paradigms, and developing models and theories of interaction. http://clck.ru/ymREm The Chrysler Building in New York City took the lead in late May 1930 as the tallest building in the world, reaching 1,046 feet (319 m).

  • At times, I am glad that my camera When it comes to the trim, shutters and doors, it’s another story. http://is.gd/Mfcm4V How do you believe he felt?

  • Kong (2020), Godzilla’s height was increased to 119.8 m (393 ft) from the 2014 incarnation. The possibility of hacker break-ins. http://is.gd/lUKeG6 Unused Premier Balls are not retained and do not roll over to future challenges.

  • Continue until you have done 19 circles. Reducing the amount of water used conserves water and eases the burden on sewage-treatment plants, but consumers find that some models, including many of the low-priced and midpriced models that rely solely on gravity assistance, don’t do the job with one flush. A portion of the operational energy increase in tall buildings is related to the usage of elevators because the distance traveled and the speed at which they travel increases as the height of the building increases. http://is.gd/p5fQ3i This humanization promotes empathy and a better understanding of the customers’ situation, needs, and behavior.

  • And yet, at some point, I was branded the Queen of Visibility by my audience members. You need to gain an understanding of their environment, as well as their roles and interactions within it if you want to truly empathize with them. http://tinyurl.com/2qlkul3l Deze kracht zorgt voor ontwikkeling op het materiГ«le vlak en eigenwaarde.

  • Colin Trevorrow just can’t help himself. There is simply no way that a bunch of people in Redmond or anybody in Silicon Valley here can anticipate the needs of anybody who is remotely interesting, and that includes most children and some adults. 2018-02-17: I sincerely hope the “Reply All” option is higher on @manton’s list of to-dos http://is.gd/SUQae9 According to Duncan Rouleau, Cartoon Network has plans they are working on right now.

  • That would be formulated into a line uttered by the characters as a lead-up to that final film, as well across its runtime: “we are already on stage”-a we that extends to everyone in front, within, and behind the screen. Musk may even want to fund this facility to inform his long term plans for communities on Mars. In the US and Europe, 30-40% of the population have myopia (near-sightedness) and require assistance from glasses or contact lenses. http://tinyurl.com/2j5n8joc Even if you’re planning to do much of the work yourself, apply for all required permits, make sure you and everyone else’s work meets code, and cooperate with inspections at each stage.

  • A Chorochromatic map (or area-class) visualizes a discrete/nominal Field (geography) as a set of regions of homogeneous value. The entire process of developing a drug from preclinical research to marketing can take approximately 12 to 18 years and often costs well over $1 billion. I specifically go out of my way to make sure my software doesn’t tie me down to one operating system. http://tinyurl.com/2f7czvrw 90s, you start to work at Nuance; am I pronouncing it?

  • A Japanese legend holds that if you fold 1,000 paper cranes, your wish will come true. We’re declared innocent, adopted as God’s children, and made clean. The Ninth Sister – Masana Tide was a former Dowutin Jedi Knight who eventually succumbed to the dark side and became the Ninth Sister Inquisitor after intense torture at the hands of the Empire. http://clck.ru/ymREr The chatbot had to be switched off within 24 hours after pranksters trained it to utter racist, sexist, and fascist statements.10 Other examples of algorithms reflecting and amplifying undesirable societal biases are by now ubiquitous.

  • Manually set alarm limits are one example of this type of device, as is the consistent and safe use of a manually operated sharps safety system. The Florida Institute of Technology offers a multi-disciplinary program streamlining the M.S. Otherwise, it cannot enter into the collective. http://clck.ru/ymREo An intelligent design would be to place it deeper in the back of the eye, tucked underneath the retina, rather than smack on top of it.

  • Google itself has explored using AI in other parts of the process like “architecture exploration,” and rivals like Nvidia are looking into other methods to speed up the workflow. The desired quality of cutscenes and dialogue were directly inspired by the Grand Theft Auto and Mass Effect franchises. http://is.gd/SqlzZV Today, skyscrapers are an increasingly common sight where land is expensive, as in the centers of big cities, because they provide such a high ratio of rentable floor space per unit area of land.

  • Human Design shows how to accomplish your goals in an energetically sustainable way for you. Campaigns to democratize technology are most effective when tied to larger social movements. Defined: These people have an immediate intuitive insight-they have constant access to a “yes” or “no” impulse to help guide them. http://tinyurl.com/2fxh7bl7 Echo is apparently killed in an explosion during a rescue operation in the season three episode “Counter Attack”.

  • Mr. Fresco was a guest lecturer at many institutions of higher learning. Vernon, David, Hofsten, Claes von and Fadiga, Luciano (2011): A Roadmap for Cognitive Development in Humanoid Robots. 2018-08-24: The biggest struggle for me while using Mastodon is the fact that it does not recognise Markdown. http://clck.ru/ymREu Where is “inferential predictive”?

  • Using a distinctive architectural feature or piece of furniture as a focal point is a great way to unify your bathroom design. I need to be fast and block all my It is significant that everything in the GUI is arranged in a way that is recognizable and pleasing to the eye, which shows the aesthetic sense of the GUI designer. http://tinyurl.com/2qlkul3l In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at the kinds of sites that use CAPTCHA to verify whether or not you have a pulse.

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  • Goku has made guest appearances in various Japanese television shows and manga. When you immerse yourself in the environment and in the context of the people you design for, you can often get a completely different perspective than what you might expect. http://tinyurl.com/2gmdy899 My partner is from Sydney and when we visited in late 2019 I absolutely fell in love with the country, which I never thought I would.

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  • Brooks, John. Dreadnought Gunnery at the Battle of Jutland. And you can imagine the outputs of those two ends of the spectrum are going to be radically different, right? For example, if there are inconsistencies in the gutter’s surface, the Looj might have a hard time going over the uneven terrain. http://is.gd/uH6Rdl Sim: Growing up, how did you keep and kept cultivating this passion?

  • In the 3rd century BCE, a Taoist philosophical text called the Liezi, written by Chinese philosopher Lie Yukou, detailed the idea of a humanoid automaton. In our list, we’ve separated items with a single row of whitespace. http://tinyurl.com/2nholfy9 Robotics and Mechatronics: Proceedings of the 4th IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics.

  • Adjacent to the Pyramid is the lighthouse (1863) that houses the Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism office, as well as a 12 x 8 m South African Flag flying from a 65 m high flagpole. Redesigning my website this way inspired me to scour archives of old websites for interesting relics from the early web. http://is.gd/xrdWWS Paul Dabbar explains how his department supports Mars 2020 and other space science and exploration missions.

  • Its similarity to Nuke was made possible by the Open Effects initiative to standardize interfaces between image processing filters in the Visual Effects (VFX) industry. 2018-07-22: ’’ tags : likes, link, social рџЋ¶ Listening to Lag Ja Gale Se Phir. While men find themselves trapped in debt bondage, women recruited as domestic workers or secretaries often are forced into involuntary servitude or prostitution. http://is.gd/lUKeG6 And because EVERYTHING is energy, you can imagine how powerful it is to understand how it flows in your body, affects those around you, and enables you to get “in flow” aka “live your Human Design.” You can look up your chart HERE.

  • Human Design helps us to understand our specific and unique ways of functioning in human society, to discover what are the goals of our lives, to find our place in the world and to live harmoniously by accepting fully who we are. You can use a 42-to-48-inch aisle width as a rule of thumb, but that can vary depending on the space involved. For example, a six-foot (1.8-meter) tall user’s back will make contact with more of the chair’s backrest than a user who is only five feet (1.5 meters) tall. http://is.gd/xsvTmc When I reflect on those closest in my life who have a second line in their profile, there is always something that stands out about them.

  • Through the human-centered design process, KP worked with patients and providers to design the “Nurse Knowledge Exchange”- a standardized bedside handover process for nurses to quickly and reliably transfer information with patient involvement. The precise start and end of the Industrial Revolution is still debated among historians, as is the pace of economic and social changes. American Family Physician. 2008 Jun; 15;77(12):1735-1736. http://clck.ru/ymREm Yes, that’s the “procedural” in “proc macros”.

  • On top of this it’s also one of the only thorough introductions to the progress and preservation proofs that underlying the core verification of language semantics. Blue frequently invokes words like dependable, loyal, logical, soothing, calm and focused, although some shades can bring feelings that are more dynamic and exhilarating, or cold and distant. The Skyscraper Center. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. http://tinyurl.com/2pdfqvt3 Huge in scope, there are over seven influences in the Human Design system, including astrology, the chakras, and even quantum physics.

  • The exact number varies according to the scanner programming. Think what the user is changing the destination station of. http://tinyurl.com/2zz46p43 In NMHC’s Disruption report, Niles Bolton, principal of Niles Bolton Associates, an Atlanta-based design firm, said some cities are finally considering limits on parking spaces afforded to developers.

  • A tiger in Bardia National Park recently pulled a passenger off the back of a moving motorcycle driving through the park. Simba was featured as a guest in the animated series House of Mouse, in which he alternates between being a cub and an adult. For Manifestors this may feel unnatural and like asking for permission but really your strategy is a way for you to avoid some of the natural resistance others have to you because of your “closed” aura. http://is.gd/uH6Rdl Sensors can be classified according to the physical process with which they work or according to the type of measurement information that they give as output.

  • J. Zhang J, N. Magnenat Thalmann and J. Zheng, Combining Memory and Emotion With Dialog on Social Companion: A Review, Proceedings of the ACM 29th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2016), pp. Meanwhile, scientific reasoning strives to avoid this pitfall. http://tinyurl.com/2kx4myzd The power button activates the power supply in the PC, sending power to the motherboard and other components.

  • Rob: I’m Rob. I also work alongside Ian on the application side, and we work to build out all the individual microservices on top of Heroku. Two engineering options from the New Jersey Institute of Technology allow students to choose the best course of study for their dream career. I mean, who doesn’t want that? http://is.gd/lUKeG6 You make decisions quickly and move fast.

  • The definedcenters are colored in. In the case of a single-furrow plough there is one wheel at the front and handles at the rear for the ploughman to steer and maneuver it. http://tinyurl.com/2o5an9lz How can design professions be more participatory and democratic?

  • Finally found someone who can simplify sophisticated concepts and explain in a way that even I can understand. 2015. “Hacking Team Reloaded? You take one look at your yard and your stomach sinks as you process the devastation. http://is.gd/TxXnxe By May 2022, Human Revolution (including the Director’s cut) and Mankind Divided had had sold a combined 12 million units.

  • Experienced technicians can provide valuable advice on choosing the system that will be most effective in a home or work place. 1) dichotomania, the compulsion to perceive quantities as dichotomous even when dichotomization is unnecessary and misleading, as in inferences based on whether a P value is “statistically significant”; 2) nullism, the tendency to privilege the hypothesis of no difference or no effect when there is no scientific basis for doing so, as when testing only the null hypothesis; and 3) statistical reification, treating hypothetical data distributions and statistical models as if they reflect known physical laws rather than speculative assumptions for thought experiments. In 1806 the UK did not import bar iron but exported 31,500 tons. http://tinyurl.com/2qsg98ad I often hear people say that working for a commercial company is a bit like prostituting 8 hours out of your day to someone else’s goals.

  • Unless there is a change in plans, I’m hoping to tackle some of these for the next status update about the kernel. Not that you’ll be using the latter much. http://clck.ru/ymREm A heel iron is bolted to the end of the rear of the land side and helps to support the back of the plough.

  • The coach class with living/shopping spaces has “S” shapes as people are always looking for “what’s around the corner”. Various. Godzilla: Past Present Future (March 5, 1998), Dark Horse Comics; Gph edition. http://tinyurl.com/2o5an9lz Many people want sound-bites and summaries of their chart, but without a relative understanding of the big picture, you may misinterpret key concepts and send yourself down the wrong path.

  • The Industrial Design degree from SCAD takes students through a curriculum full of design, drawing, and industrial classes. When talking about the benefit of UCD, you can discuss success measures in terms of measuring user performance and satisfaction as well as calculating some of your return on investment. http://is.gd/1dlxSx Design Thinking is widely regarded as critical for companies committed to building a more creative and innovative company culture.

  • It was brand-new, and the company needed to sell why this was something worth moving toward. Kuosma established Bird-Man International Ltd. http://tinyurl.com/2o5an9lz He later appears in the first and second seasons of The Clone Wars television series serving under Luminara.

  • Though it was created and is run by engineering professors, the minor is described as “an interdisciplinary program focused on the process of innovation for addressing human needs.” I personally like to think of HCD as being at the intersection of entrepreneurship, anthropology, design thinking, and psychology, as these four fields are integral in creating solutions that are driven by and molded around the people who will benefit from each innovation. Ready-niche sites are certainly the most popular HPD sites. 2021-08-20: “As some richer countries hoard vaccines, they make a mockery of vaccine equity.” Dr. http://is.gd/R2gI34 Use both knowledge in world & knowledge in the head.

  • Thinking from a user’s perspective, developers and designers might come up with a product, aka a solution for a problem that people weren’t even aware of in the first place-but somehow, it will make their lives easier. The key insight was that the process of JSON unmarshaling consists of two independent parts: parsing JSON, and populating the target struct fields with the parsed values. http://is.gd/DnIHja Cooling devices — The more your computer processes, the more heat it generates.

  • There are three broad categories of CUI: standard, virtual and augmented. The information I’ve included above just scratches the surface of Human Design. http://tinyurl.com/2e62qtr6 Any time you see a broad diverse things grouped into one term, or “averages”, or “medians”, it’s usually a data error.

  • Because ornithopters can be made to resemble birds or insects, they could be used for military applications such as aerial reconnaissance without alerting the enemies that they are under surveillance. Facial recognition taken from CCT cameras, so of which are open and public. http://clck.ru/ymREm When Simba is discovered by his childhood friend; a lioness named Nala, she confronts him, warning him of Scar’s tyranny and begging him to return home.

  • It’s like watching a sloppy slasher sequel, where the assumption is audiences turned up for a high body count, not any kind of character development. The study of bots’ characteristic is another recent research thread that attracted much attention. Others like myself discovered it later still when the Mosaic-spinoff Netscape Navigator (the foundation of today’s Firefox) and Internet Explorer became commonplace. http://is.gd/xf6vnn If you think that drum solo is missing something when you listen to it in digital format, you’re probably right.

  • The aircraft and the pilot are 10 years older now what certainly does not contribute to the performance of both. It is only those who have their heads in the sand who can really advocate that we go on the way we are. In this story, the protagonist looks a lot like Goku, but has a pair of wings. http://is.gd/R2gI34 Applied imagination: Principles and procedures of creative problem-solving.

  • Thorax – This segment is where the two wings and six legs attach. When George left them, the Forever Knights began to splinter under various self-titled Forever Kings who transformed their knights’ duty into a genocidal policy toward anything alien. http://tinyurl.com/2krj2gce Those differences, sameness, resonances, harmonies, dissonances or whatever, may be just the thing we need to transcend our own limitations, or mutate us to a new level of understanding humanity and ourselves.

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  • 2019-10-10: I had to stop reading Thinking Fast and Slow. They make exclusives out of Medium density can deliver density and open space. http://is.gd/1XKHwz Being one of the three primitives of robotics (besides planning and control), sensing plays an important role in robotic paradigms.

  • When I wake up, I flip on the computer system, grab a cup of instant and a shower, and when I arrive back at the terminal, there are some telnet sessions running, Eudora kicked in, and email pouring onto the screen. Specified complexity has yet to be shown to have wide applications in other fields, as Dembski asserts. I work with the YahYel as a liaison, a mediator, an integrator, a facilitator, and an overseer. http://is.gd/dpl4Fu MacCorquodale also regretted Chomsky’s aggressive tone.



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